New required fields for Profile and Register form
GeoIP detection to / All other than countries than Finland IP addresses are now forwarding to english site, except if language specifically selected from UI
"Regenerate certificate" functionality for admin
Full text search functionality to cover single lesson contents and added views separated single lesson/course search results
Added filters Course and Tags in "Add lesson" modal
Course statistics - Changed date range filter in Course statistics so that user doesn’t need to select between “Start date” and “Complete date” because some users did not understand this.
Course statistics - Made default time range past 1 month instead of past 1 week
Omit teachers from assignees when assigning task to subgroup or maingroup
Added trimming logic to fill in the blank-question's user input + answers
Quiz reports modal quiz attempts were set to be ordered by last attempt date desc
Message type tasks open in big modal window instead of just small truncated message on notification
Users and Tasks -views fit in window in all resolutions without need for horizontal scrolling
Improved Quizzes->Questions discoverability, added tooltips and improved filters
Some removed groups tasks were still visible for some users, but users could not start them
Some tasks created by admin were not visible to users in different organizations
Earlier than possible end date could be selected on task modify
Submitting empty quiz resulted to errors in browser console
Some incorrect language tags were visible in UI
User was unable to open exam with code because similar exam was already assigned to user