Changed “Favourites” filter name to “My courses” in course listing index. My courses now includes also tasked courses and courses user has started.
If user has “Course” -type tasks, they are ordered on top of course listing.
Made it possible for teachers to perform actions on other teachers by selecting them via checkbox in Users listing.
Made few guide tour steps hidden in case user couldn’t access showcased features
Performance optimizations
Incorrect number of tasks to-do in dashboard for some users
Teachers did not see all questions in quizzes in some cases
When user stopped using Skhole via Profile, app became unresponsive
Navigating to single lessons via course page’s search was broken
Organization admin was able to archive himself
Removed “complete lesson” -button & “add note” -button for single lessons not in scope of course
[Firefox] “Run” -button in Users listing was not inline with other buttons
[Mobile] Improved some styles in dashboard and course listing index