New styling for text format to greatly improve readability
Exams can be continued even if browser window closed
Globally free lessons - Content can be made freely available to unauthorized users
Non-active subscriptions are now visible to organization admins and teachers via Organization info page.
Two new items "Groups & Registration codes" & "Organization info" are added into navigation
Certificates are now created instantly and only certificate image generation is moved to background
Before user finishes quiz, show summary page
Quiz - Question numbers take less space on mobile and are now scrollable horizontally
Dashboard on mobile is simplified and takes less space
Moved Cases into Lessons to get rid of extra complexity
More easily understandable statuses on Task results
Videos automatically start on mobile (on iOS muted due to system restriction)
Better Youtube video url validation and notices in cases such as "Video owner did not allow to embed this video on other websites"
Updated strings to more understandable text in email notifications
Added login modal to popup on multiple routes where authentication is required
UX improvements when adding tasks
App performance and memory usage optimisations resulting to smoother and more stabile user experience
Notification bar was displayed in incorrect area of page when using back button in some sections
Teacher could not see all his tasks he because some incorrect filters were set automatically in tasks
Adding Profile picture/cropping did not work on iPhone
Some incorrect Related courses were shown in Quizzes and Questions
Some images inside lesson text were disapearing automatically
Teachers could not edit their own questions in some cases
Hide dashboard button was not visible in some resolutions
When added new quiz via course, quiz could not be edited right after it was created
Exam could be added into course like self evaluation quiz's using some methods
Multiple issues in playing YouTubes videos
Progress column in Tasks was not showing correct numbers in some cases
Rate limiter was working too efficiently in some cases
Some modals were not properly scrollable
Missing translation in emails / Rate limiter
When adding Skhole certified exam -task, "Assign certificate" checkbox was not checked by default on UI although all Skhole certified exams will assign a certificate.
Bug in Task duplication when changing assignee student and datesSome graphical glitches
Text highlight tooltip position is a little off
Some certificates did not open
Scoring issue on multiple choice type question