Switched places of Login and Sign up -buttons and improving text contrast
Quiz modules - Questions - Editor - Now allow to set 0 points to be achieved from question. This way for example "fill in blank" type can be used as feedback.
Lesson text print styles
Lesson - Got rid of black borders on video player while keeping it responsive
Lesson - If video does not exist, show text+audio format instead of just text
Improved stability if message broker platform used by Skhole would go down for reasons beyond us
Better logging (resulting to better support) for media transcodes
Handling case where user is signing up via Facebook account which doesn't have e-mail address tied to it
Lesson - Lesson text format - h1-h6 styles did not have enough top margin
Switching organization admin user to another organization could copy old organizations groups to new organization
Question add/edit modal - Few click areas were not correct size and could result to unintentional choices
Lesson - when clicking video format button multiple times it was possible to end up into audio format only state
Task creation - "Assign certificate" checkbox was not checked by default